3425 Limekiln Pike, #5
Chalfont, PA 18914


If plaque acids have caused decay in your teeth, then our dentists may suggest repairing them with dental fillings. Please call our team at Chalfont Dentistry at 215-660-3636 to make your appointment to receive a dental filling in Chalfont, Pennsylvania.

Tooth-colored dental fillings are undeniable proof that science can be artfully applied to cosmetic dentistry. No longer will you feel uncomfortable with gold or silver amalgam fillings. Now you can smile with confidence as you show off your perfectly blended tooth-colored fillings.

Tooth-colored dental fillings are made from composite resins that are bonded to your teeth, forming a tight seal. This seal prevents bacteria from attacking your teeth, helping teeth to stay health and free of decay. Tooth-colored fillings can also prevent sensitivity to heat and cold, as well as biting pain. Additionally, tooth-colored fillings require less of your tooth to be removed, so you can keep more of your natural tooth structure.

Any decay in your affected tooth is removed before our dentist applies the tooth-colored filling in a series of layers. A special light is used to harden the resin, after which the filling is shaped and polished for a natural look and feel.

We are currently accepting new patients! Contact Dr. Sindhu Gundabathula and Dr. Catherine West, your dentists in Chalfont (18914), Warrington (18976), New Britain Township (18932), Horsham (19040 , 19044), North Wales (19454), Doylestown (18901, 18902), Lansdale (19446), Montgomeryville (18936) and the surrounding areas in Bucks and Montgomery counties, Pennsylvania, for your dental care!

Contact Dr. Sindhu Gundabathula, your dentist in the Chalfont, Warrington, Doylestown, and North Wales areas in Bucks and Montgomery counties, Pennsylvania, for your dental care!
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